Our tips


Service disruption

One of the most direct and visible consequences of DDoS attacks is the interruption of IT services. By flooding servers and networks with artificially increased traffic, attackers manage to saturate available resources, resulting in significant downtime. Legitimate users are then unable to access online services, resulting in lost revenue, lower customer satisfaction and damage to the company’s reputation.


Financial loss

DDoS attacks can lead to significant financial losses for targeted companies. Prolonged downtime reduces sales opportunities, while interrupted online transactions can result in lost revenue. What’s more, the costs associated with restoring systems, investigating the attack and implementing prevention and mitigation measures can be significant.


Damaged reputation

A successful DDoS attack can have a damaging impact on a company’s reputation. Users unable to access online services are likely to turn to competitors. In addition, prolonged unavailability of services can give the impression that the company is unable to cope with attacks or guarantee the security of its systems. The trust of customers and partners can be seriously undermined, which can be difficult to recover afterwards.


Loss of productivity

DDoS attacks can disrupt internal business operations. Employees can’t access the tools and systems they need to do their jobs, resulting in lower productivity. IT departments must devote valuable time and resources to resolving the attack, diverting their attention from other critical tasks. All in all, a DDoS attack can cause major delays to ongoing projects and damage overall business efficiency.


DDoS attacks represent a serious threat to corporate IT departments. The consequences of DDoS attacks go beyond downtime and financial losses. They can lead to reputational damage, loss of customer and partner confidence, and reduced productivity. To mitigate these risks, it is essential that companies implement effective prevention and mitigation measures, such as the use of DDoS protection services, to ensure the availability and security of their IT services.